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Our Education Programme

Here at Little Ducklings the children's learning and development is our priority. Please see below for some detail on what this involves, how we implement it and how it shows through the children's learning.

What we plan to do

Here at Little Ducklings, the environment is carefully prepared, and our curriculum offers a wide variety of rich experiences.

We believe children learn best when they are interested, curious and engaged. This is best achieved through play.

Our approach is committed to child-led learning. We see the children as competent, independent learners who can take a lead on their own learning. The staff are there to support the children by observing, supporting and extending their learning experiences.

We believe the right mix of child undisrupted play and adult-led learning ensures the best outcomes for all children. 

It is our intent that all children develop verbally, physically, emotionally and cognitively which values all cultures, communities and people. 

Things that are also key to our curriculum is the warm and positive relationships between the staff and children, consistent routine and strong parent partnerships.

How we will go about it

We prioritise creating a language rich environment using songs, nursery rhymes, books both factual and fiction and floor books. We also provide a lot of time for quality interactions between adults and between peers.

We understand the importance of parental engagement and we work hard to create strong partnerships between home and nursery. 

Parents use the EYlog system to engage in their child’s learning and they are encouraged to share home learning via this system. This is also used as a form of communication

As part of the learning and teaching process, children are assessed in relation to their progress towards the check points in the development matters. These judgements are made on the knowledge of the practitioner by there ongoing observations. These ongoing assessments are used to plan the next steps of learning for the child, and this is then used to prepare/plan the environment/ activities to meet the needs of that child.


















The Result of What We Do

Our curriculum and its delivery ensure that children make excellent progress toward their age-related expectations both academically and socially. Having this broad curriculum ensures each child’s needs are being met. It will also ignite children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive not only in their early years but for life.


Our Environment


This is carefully planned and designed to ensure the core provision meets the needs of all children to ignite and promote their curiosity and work towards their goals/next steps. As well as the indoor environment, we have an enclosed garden space as well as an allotment.


Exploring Nature


We are fortunate enough to be able to take the children for local walks to the wider community, to visit the horses, the local church, the woodlands and shops which also ignites and promotes their curiosity.


Curiosity approach and Montessori teaching

We use natural, reclaimed and authentic resources which promotes exploration, creativity, discovery, imagination, curiosity, awe and wonder. In turn promoting self-awareness and independence.

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